Celebrities dazzled on the iconic Zee Rishtey Awards red carpet with their stylish and glamorous attires. While Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye’s Sriti Jha and Arjit Taneja captivated everyone’s attention in a stunning black outfit, Kyunki…Maa Saas Bahu Beti Hoti Hai’s Navika Kotia exuded elegance in a dark blue saree. Pyaar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan’s Shabir Ahluwalia and Neeharika Roy looked debonair in a sharp red suit and lehenga. On the other hand, Rabb Se Hai Dua’s handsome hunk Dheeraj Dhoopar with his leading ladies Yesha Rughani, and Seerat Kapoor opted for a chic green ensemble. Television’s beloved couple Rohit Suchanti and Aishwarya Khare from Bhagya Lakshmi graced the event in beautiful white attires. Kundali Bhagya’s Paras Kalnawat sported a purple and white retro look, and Sana Sayyad set the red carpet ablaze in a beautiful purple gown. Ikk Kudi Punjab Di’s Avinesh Rekhi charmed in a black suit paired with a golden turban with his leading lady Tanisha Mehta in a lovely lehenga, while Abrar Qazi and Rachi Sharma from Kumkum Bhagya twinned in royal blue. Everyone’s favorite Shraddha Arya a.k.a Preeta turned heads in a captivating lilac gown.
After making a splash on the red carpet, all the Zee TV stars went on to deliver some mesmerizing performances on the Danube Properties’ Zee Rishtey Awards stage. To know who amongst your favourite actors and shows bagged the prestigious awards and to witness all the electrifying acts, tune into the Danube Properties’ Zee Rishtey Awards at 7 PM on 10th March, only on Zee TV