Brace yourselves for an uproarious experience filled with side-splitting laughter and unforgettable moments as Sony Entertainment Television is all set to launch a new comedy show, ‘Madness Machayenge – India Ko Hasayenge!’ Redefining the genre by breaking the conventional norms of comedy, this show will effortlessly deliver varied styles of comedy with an impressive line-up of seasoned comedians!
Ready to laugh out loud along with India will be the beautiful Huma Qureshi, who will assume the role of a comedy champion. In this dynamic and central part, she will offer a great blend of humour, support, and engagement in various segments, coupled with her witty observations and hilarious anecdotes, promising a weekend of pure entertainment that will leave you craving for more.
Sharing her excitement about being a part of the show, Huma Qureshi says, “Comedy serves as a universal stressbuster and our aim is simple: to spread joy and laughter one joke at a time. In today’s fast-paced world, we believe everyone deserves a break filled with laughter, and Madness Machayenge is here to deliver just that.” Elaborating on her role further, she adds, “I am thrilled to be a part of this show as the comedy champion wherein I will challenge our comedians with tasks across different segments that will range from fun and simple to unusual situations, testing their mettle as we embark on this exciting journey of comedy and camaraderie.”