Prerna V Arora’s upcoming film, ‘Hero Heeroine,’ is gearing up for shooting on 10th June in Hyderabad. The entire production team and technicians have arrived in Hyderabad and have commenced the recce. Unusual locations, never explored before, are being identified to offer a fresh experience to the audience. Ramoji Film City, the largest studio in Asia, will play a significant role in the film’s narrative.
The film boasts a total of 35 locations, including both outdoor and indoor spots, as well as real locations. A set depicting Bihar’s backdrop is being planned in Ramoji Film City, where a special local dance is being recorded and choreographed.
Furthermore, a fusion song blending modern and traditional dance styles is in the works, with Divya Khossla overseeing its training. For cinematography, the latest cameras such as Alexa LF and Sony Venice, paired with Signature Prime lenses, are being considered. Additionally, cutting-edge lighting equipment like the Sky Panel X will be utilized.
The actors have also been given Telugu dialogues for language training. They are all enthusiastically and diligently working on mastering them, showcasing their dedication to the project. An original acting studio in Hyderabad, a highly popular one, is being approached to incorporate its students and professors into the film. The studio will also serve as a workshop location for actors and scenes.